Here’s one cocktail you can enjoy with zero moderation!

Check out our work
Fringale Project

SDC Jean-Talon Est

Fringale : Reviving appetites and boosting business

Fringale : Reviving appetites and boosting business

Project Sollicité


Telling the story of a greener city through a dynamic rebrand

Telling the story of a greener city through a dynamic rebrand

FRAPRU Project


Social Housing is Key

Social Housing is Key

Thumbnail Polliflora


A unique and poetic visual identity

A unique and poetic visual identity

Thumbnail FTQ


“Debout pour vous” campaign

“Debout pour vous” campaign

Thumbnail Chope Angus

The Chope Angus

The coop that quenches your thirst

The coop that quenches your thirst

Thumbnail Signé Laval

Signé Laval

Signé Laval is a collaborative platform that promotes culture on its territory

Signé Laval is a collaborative platform that promotes culture on its territory

Thumbnail BivouaQ


Pioneers in inclusif travel

Pioneers in inclusif travel

Thumbnail QS

Québec solidaire

Campaign Tools and Visual Identity for the 2018 Election

Campaign Tools and Visual Identity for the 2018 Election

Thumbnail Intersyndicale des femmes

Intersyndicale des femmes

Promotional Campaign for International Women’s Rights Day

Promotional Campaign for International Women’s Rights Day

Thumbnail IRIS


360° Communications for IRIS

360° Communications for IRIS

Thumbnail Rézo


Website and Custom Application for RÉZO

Website and Custom Application for RÉZO

Thumbnail Amir Khadir

Amir Khadir

Public Relations for Amir Khadir

Public Relations for Amir Khadir

Bring on the projects! We’re ready to take on every challenge!